Sunday, February 8, 2015

31 Days of Valentines... (a post by Leah)

I have always enjoyed Valentine's Day, even though 25 of them I have spent single.  Growing up, my parents invited us with them to dinner on Valentine's.  And my Dad frequently bought me gifts that said things like "be my Valentine".  I always knew I was loved.  That is truly a gift.  Of course, it doesn't hurt that Sweetheart candies are some of my absolute favorites.  I mean, who doesn't love pure sugar with goofy phrases like "BFF", "U R MINE" and my personal favorite "FAX ME" (I mean really-- in what scenario is THAT romantic?).

This year for Valentine's Day, Rob has been giving me one small (and sometimes silly) gift every day for 31 days.  So far I have gotten a dozen boxes of Sweetheart candies, a Hershey's bar, a chocolate rose, M&M's, a dog-shaped pen, two necklaces, earrings, lip gloss, heart-printed Kleenexes, Band-Aids, crayon-shaped erasers, two pairs of Valentine's socks and Hershey's Kiss lip balm.

I don't say this to make other men look bad.  Or to make those without a Valentine feel lonely.  I say this because I think we all should be more committed to show appreciation for those that we love.  And to remember Him who loved us first.  "God demonstrated His love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  and "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters." That is love.  True love.  As you enjoy (or avoid) this upcoming holiday, reflect on God's love.  It is a wonderful gift that He has given us.  And it doesn't last for just 31 days.  It is eternal.  It is unconditional.