Friday, September 27, 2013

We bought a house! (by Leah)

The day has come... well, it is coming soon!  We are finally getting close to MOVING DAY!  Some of you may know, Rob and I are in the process of purchasing a beautiful home down here in Atlanta.  It is a traditional-style 4-bedroom home with a partial unfinished basement, screened porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases and hardwood floors.  It's simply beautiful.

MOVING DAY: October 19. We actually found the home on our second day in Atlanta.  A week later, we made and offer and it was accepted.  We have only waited so long to move because the sellers, who hadn't yet put their home on the market, requested time to look for a new home.  But, now that day is finally only 3 short weeks away.  We can't be more excited!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Homesick without a Home (a post by Leah)

I have to admit I am struggling.  Eight weeks ago we packed up all our things from the only state that I have ever called "home" to move across the country and begin our new adventure.  Now the newness has worn off and an aching feeling has crept in.  It's not the landscape, or even the city that I miss so much.  My heart aches to see the ones I love.  My family, my coworkers, my friends.  Everything happened so fast that I never stopped to think how difficult it would be, once we were here.

Of course, some days, like today, are much easier than others.  But, no matter the day I know that it is the Lord who has brought us here and the He is always good.