Tuesday, October 22, 2013

California! (by Leah)

I know that many of you are hoping to see pictures of the new house.  But, until we are done unpacking, I thought I would share with all of you the amazing, relaxing vacation we had before the move.  It was not originally our intention to travel across the country one week before we bought our new home.  We already had the tickets, so it ended up just working out.

Having never been to California, I was looking forward to a few days relaxing on the beach after a few rough months this summer and fall.  I got my wish.  California was beautiful and RELAXING.  I got to walk on the beach everyday, sit in the sun, and see some family.  Oh, how good it was to see my family again.  Even if I couldn't see everyone, it was wonderful to sit and talk with those that I love.

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