Monday, November 23, 2015

Finding Thankfulness in Suffering (a post by Leah)

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have begun to reflect on thankfulness.  I know that there God has given me more blessings than I can count.  A beautiful house. A loving family. A caring husband. A goofy, fun dog. A job that I love. Wonderful students. But this fall, I have begun to struggle with suffering. Nothing big.  No more depression.  No new loss.  The kind of suffering you hate to talk about to others.  Because, let's face it, it's not that big of a deal.  A nagging stomachache.  A headache.  Days of nausea.  But, when the mysterious illness saps your energy daily and forces you to break commitments, it starts to feel like suffering.

In James, we are commanded to consider it "pure joy" to suffer.  Not because it is fun, but because we know the outcome.  I'll be honest, I'm not there yet.  But, I have found thankfulness for my suffering.  Because, in my suffering, I know that I will see my Savior's face.  Feel His presence.  Lean on Him.  For that, I am very thankful.

Thank you, Jesus, for my suffering, that I might know you more and that your glory will be revealed.

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