Monday, September 26, 2016

Our Adoption Journey, Step 1: Application Approved!

After three weeks of paperwork, our application was officially approved by our agency, CCAI. Someone out there thought we will be great parents.   Purple hair, and all.  So, we celebrated and ordered takeout.  Here we are, being ridiculous:

But really, it WAS exciting.  It is the first time that we have had a "yes" in this whole messy process. It hit me the next day.  In this whole mess with infertility, we have spent most of it looking at the broken pieces of the journey, wondering if we would ever have a family.  We never had a "yes". Until now.  So we celebrated!  And ate takeout food.  And took cutesy pictures of rocking chairs.  And grinned like idiots until our cheeks were sore.  And cried the happiest of tears.  I know that this will be a rocky journey, with lots of ups and downs, but it is one that I am excited to take!

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