Thursday, July 6, 2017

Our Adoption Journey, Step 9: Article 5 and the next steps

This morning we received word that our Article 5 was issued. It sounds like such good news, doesn't it? But what is an Article 5? And what does it mean?

What is an Article 5? First, a (brief) history/overview of international adoption.  In the 1990's the Hague Adoption Convention was developed to protect children during the process of an international adoption. As a result, any adoption of children between the ratifying countries (now 96) includes safeguards for children and a structured procedural process. The last step of the process is the Article 5: a letter from the US Consulate to the foreign central authority (CCCWA in China) to confirm that the adoptive parents are eligible to adopt and that the child is eligible to immigrate to the US and reside there permanently.

What does it mean? It means that our travel is coming SOON! We still don't have travel dates, but this was our last step of approval. Now, we wait for the CCCWA to issue us a Travel Approval. (This happens fairly quickly after they receive our Article 5.) After our travel approval, we will know our travel dates and travel to China within 3 weeks. Travel is coming shortly! HOORAY!!!!

In the meantime, pray for patience and wisdom. Pray that God will prepare our hearts for the struggles and joys that we will face while we are in China and after we bring Carter home. God is good. We are so excited to see Him working out His love throughout our adoption journey!

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