Wednesday, December 18, 2013

To the little girl who stole my heart (a post by Leah)

Little Evelyn,

Although I haven't met you yet, you are very precious to me!  After all, you must know that you are my very special namesake.  Only beautiful little girls have such a beautiful middle name.  When I first saw your picture and heard your name, I knew that you would always hold a special place in my heart.

I want so many things for you, my precious little niece.  I want you to grow strong and healthy.  I want you to learn as much as you can and one day to beat your Dad at Euchre.  I want you to express yourself and finger-paint on every wall.  I want you to laugh everyday and memorize every line from "Christmas Vacation", but only when you're old enough.  I want to climb the mountains of Colorado with you and show you the foothills of Georgia.  I want to bring you to Art Museums so you can bug your Dad with all the "useless information" you learn.  I want you know that you are loved by so many people near and far away.  But, most importantly,  I pray that everyday you will know Jesus as your Savior.  At this time of the year, we celebrate His birth, but He came to sacrifice his life so that you could have your sins forgiven.  What a wonderful thing, little Evelyn, He has done for us.

I cannot wait to meet you, my precious little niece.  And don't listen to anything your Dad says about me.  We love you!

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