Sunday, January 19, 2014

A sister is worth a thousand friends - a post by Leah

Last week, the Bley Bed & Breakfast had its first visitor, my sister, Miriam.  What a week!  Many people have asked, "did you have a great time?".  Of course.  We stayed up late, went out to fun restaurants, went shopping, played games, watched girly movies by the fire (even though it was almost 60 degrees outside) and spent hours chatting the day away.  We even carried on the family tradition of Mexican lunch on Saturday at 12:30... just a few states away.

Of course, sisters are more than the occasional visit.  And I have a great sister.  One who knows what I am thinking with just a look.  One who laughs with me and cries with me.  One who encourages me.  So, when I saw a sign today that said "a sister is worth a thousand friends" I thought of her.  Thank you Miriam, for being a thousand friends to me!

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