Tuesday, July 30, 2013


"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

That verse has come to mind frequently these past few weeks since we have moved to Atlanta.  Although I have always known this is true, it has been wonderful to see God's provisions for us in our move.  Of course, we were able to sell our home extremely quickly and I was able to get a job in the Atlanta area almost as fast.  But since we have been down here, the transition has been quite seamless.  We have been able to find a house that we both love, which is wonderful.  But, I have also been surprised at how much I actually like Atlanta.  It is such a beautiful city, with beautiful trees everywhere.  And of course, the weather.  Oh, I love hot weather!  And so many people are so friendly.  It's really a great town.

One of the best parts has been the effects to our marriage.  We have been able to spend so much time together, it is like we're on vacation again.  Last weekend we went to the Coke Museum and explored a historic area together.  I feel like I have gotten to know Rob even more than I already do.  I loved the experience of picking out a house together, too, and finding out what he wanted and liked in a home.  Thankfully we both fell in love with the same home!  It really is amazing.

As much as we miss everyone back home, it has been wonderful to reflect and see how God is working all things for His good.  Each day, as our adventure in this new land continues, we will keep praying that His promise rings true, that He will work all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.  And that, through His grace, we may walk in a manner worthy of that calling.

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