Saturday, August 4, 2007

do I really want to go here?

I have heard from a few of you back in Illinois that I need to let you all know what I have been up to since I made the trek down to Indy. I thought for a while. Should I do mass emails? No, most people can't stand them, and if you are like me you often delete them. How about mass snail mail? No, gets expensive and is too slow. However, if you are like me you are more prone to read it. As you now know though, I have decided on blogging. I never thought I would do this, but something compels me. Perhaps it is because I miss you all and feel a longing to stay in touch if only it’s through the Reader's Digest view of my life. I can't promise that I will always write or that it will always be entertaining, but I will try to keep communicating. That's the key right?

I will try to get you up-to-date with how the past few months have gone, and what’s happening now. I may even attempt to post a few pictures from time to time. I have to keep it simple though or I’ll stop doing it. If you read and I know you, say hi! If you read and I don’t, introduce yourself. Anyway enough of the niceties on to the good stuff.

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