Saturday, August 11, 2007

feeling stupid

When I thought about starting a blog I thought that I would have a hard time coming up with something to write about. My problem so far has been keeping my entries short. Maybe people like long entries, I don’t know. I just hope that my rambles make some sort of sense.

Tonight though, I am having a hard time trying to create my entry. So I thought I would write about feeling stupid.

I don’t know about you, but when I first start a new job I go through the “Stupid Stage”. This is that period of time when you feel completely dumb and useless. You go to work, people ask you questions and you usually respond with, “I don’t know”. I hate that feeling, I hate feeling stupid, and I hate feeling useless. However, uncomfortable I am in the stupid stage I have begun to realize it has value.

In that stage you learn a lot about the company you work for: how things function from day to day, who has the answers to what questions, where things go and where things are just to name a few. It’s also the stage where friendships and relationships are formed. One could say it’s a necessary evil. I am just glad it’s not permanent.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob,
Noticed your blog on Linda's and I'm glad I checked it out. Great way to keep everyone up on how you are doing. Also love the writting. This one has a lot of what I have noticed also. After being a "stay at home mom" for 10 yrs going back to work felt this way. Keep up the good posts. I enjoyed them all.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture Rob. Hey who is that guy anyway? Yeh, and by the way what's your wii number?

Love, Callie, Mike, Mom, and Dad.
xxx ooo