Wednesday, June 11, 2008

last lesson before the summer

Tonight was the last lesson for my small group before our summer break. I can’t believe that our group has almost been meeting for a year. It doesn’t seem like I have been in Indiana that long, but I have been here longer than that.

In small group we had been going through Max Lucado’s book, The Cure for the Common Life. It is a book devoted to helping you find what Max calls your “sweet spot” in life. Your sweet spot being the ideal place for you to live, work, and worship based on how God has gifted you. The book lead the group into some great discussions, but we all wished he had delved a little deeper into many of the subjects he covered.

Next week we are having a little social get together and cook out. We’ll be having a little fun as a recap on the book by trying to showcase some of our “gifts” to one another. We’ll see how things go. It should be interesting. I'll have to keep you "posted".

The group started early fall of last year with 14 members (counting leaders). We now sit at 9 if you count the leader (me). We lost a few and gained a few, but the group is great. We all get along realy well. That’s why tonight is a little bittersweet. Part of me is glad for the upcoming break. (It’s nice to take a break every now and then.) The other part of me would love to get right on going.

In chapter 12 of the book Lucado talks about rest. Sometimes we get going so fast and so furious that we forget about taking a rest. Sometimes we are involved in things that are good and right, but we shouldn’t neglect rest. Take a few minutes this week and get away. Go to a park, go down to the river, or go for a walk. Get away from the everyday of life, and spend some time in God’s word or in prayer. It’s amazing what a little rest can do.

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