Saturday, June 14, 2008

the year of the shifting dates

It happened when I went away to college too, but I didn’t anticipate it happening as often as it has. I know that sounds a bit naive, but I had just anticipated it being easier to get away than it has been. What am I talking about? I’m talking about not being home for holidays and other special occasions. This year we’ve moved my sister’s birthday, mother’s day, and soon to be father’s day.

I know it seems like a little thing and that people are always adjusting dates to accommodate each other’s schedules, but I don’t like shifting dates. I don’t know if it is a symbol of growing up or just a symbol of life getting too busy.

Kind of a lame post, but it is what is on my mind today. Does anyone else think about weird things like this? I hope I am not alone in my weirdness.

Sorry family for the missed dates. Sorry readers for the lame post.

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