Tuesday, June 10, 2008

what can I say? I was right.

I owe two apologies to those of you who have been checking this on any sort of regular bases in hopes that I might surprise you with an update. 1.) I am sorry that I have taken so long to do so, and 2.) I am sorry that I have just caused you to doubt your own eyes in that you are here now and there is indeed a new post.

I was looking back at my infrequent and minuscule number of posts. Some of them were pretty funny. Some of them could use some work, but then again this is a blog it is not a novel. Some of my posts were so long they could have been novels. Blog entries are supposed to be short, right? Any way my first post did warn about this.

Things have been going well in Indiana, and much has happened. I’ll have to get busy on here and start telling you all about it, but for now it s late and I should be asleep. Talk to you soon.

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