Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sonora Louise Smart of Spokane

While listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909, Sonora Louise Smart thought that there ought to be a day to honor Father’s too. Since her father was born in June she decided to hold the first Father’s Day on the 19th of June, 1910. From it’s humble beginnings with Sonora in Spokane honoring her single parent dad, Father’s Day grew in popularity.

In 1926, in New York City they formed the National Father’s Day Committee. In 1956, Father’s day was recognized by a Joint Resolution of Congress. A final in 1972 President Nixon made Father’s Day a permanent national holiday, to be observed on the third Sunday in June.

If you haven’t already called, visited, or at least emailed dear old dad…do it. The day is not getting any shorter. Perhaps you could even bring him a red rose, the official flower of Father’s Day.

Happy Father’s Day Dad!

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