Monday, June 16, 2008

Moratorium On Nonnegotiables DAY

I don’t know about you, but I used to really hate Mondays. Generally speaking it still is my least favorite day of the week, but I made a rule for Monday’s and now they seem to be less hectic. If you haven’t guessed by the title of this entry, the rule is to not plan a lot for Mondays. I have found that a lot of things just happen to come up on Mondays. Usually everybody else’s plans come up on Monday. Perhaps I am a yes person, or maybe I am just less motivated to “getter done” on Mondays but that’s the way it works for me. So I have found that if I done plan my mega to-do list to start on Mondays I am a much happier camper when the week begins.

I have also found that I think less about work on the weekends that way. If I am not thinking of how I can jump start my week by cramming as much into that eight hour action packed extravaganza called “Monday,” I can relax and let things go a bit. Don’t get me wrong. I am still a workaholic and spend more time on the weekend either doing or thinking about work than I should, but not making the “there is no way I can accomplish this in one day even if it was Monday – Monday Plans” is a step in the right direction. I still think about what I am going to do, but the list is much more practical and extremely flexible.

I am sure that this philosophy would not work for everyone. There are many of us who need to plan out our Mondays carefully and down to the last detail. If you are one of those persons, please don’t change. If you are like me and you find that your Mondays tend to be a flood of people, places, and things you didn’t think of or plan for you may want to adopt this philosophy. Just a thought, take it or leave it.


Brittany said...

Its so nice to have you back in the blogging world.

Rob and Leah said...

Thanks Brittany. It's nice to know that someone besides me is reading it. :)