Little Evelyn,
Although I haven't met you yet, you are very precious to me! After all, you must know that you are my very special namesake. Only beautiful little girls have such a beautiful middle name. When I first saw your picture and heard your name, I knew that you would always hold a special place in my heart.
I want so many things for you, my precious little niece. I want you to grow strong and healthy. I want you to learn as much as you can and one day to beat your Dad at Euchre. I want you to express yourself and finger-paint on every wall. I want you to laugh everyday and memorize every line from "Christmas Vacation", but only when you're old enough. I want to climb the mountains of Colorado with you and show you the foothills of Georgia. I want to bring you to Art Museums so you can bug your Dad with all the "useless information" you learn. I want you know that you are loved by so many people near and far away. But, most importantly, I pray that everyday you will know Jesus as your Savior. At this time of the year, we celebrate His birth, but He came to sacrifice his life so that you could have your sins forgiven. What a wonderful thing, little Evelyn, He has done for us.
I cannot wait to meet you, my precious little niece. And don't listen to anything your Dad says about me. We love you!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
It's Christmas Time! (a post by Leah)

As Christmas approaches, we have been busy settling into our new home. So busy, with new jobs and responsibilities, that we have not been able to decorate for Christmas. But, of all of our holiday traditions, we are making time for one of my favorites: COOKIES! Traditionally, I am not a baker. I don't love making cookies or cakes or anything else that has to be precise. I like to dump and cook. I believe that all meals should be this easy. But, at Christmas, I make an exception. Every year I make a few boxes of cookies to drive to friends and family. We started this tradition when Rob was making very little money and we wanted to give back to so many people that had given to us. After making the cookies, we drove them to our friends or family that live around town. To my surprise, our friends invited us into their homes to chat. Some have sent us home with cookies, others have sent us home with wonderful memories of hour-long conversations that I wouldn't trade for anything. It became such a wonderful blessing.
Now, we get to bring our tradition to a new home. Although we haven't made many friends down here, I am eager to share our time and baked goods with the people that have been gracious to us these past few months to "love on us". So, here we come, Atlanta, to share our time, our cookies and Christ's love to you.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thankful (a post by Leah)
Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed perusing so many blogs and Facebook posts to learn what my friends are thankful for. Family, careers, food, and other blessings. Despite our many challenges moving from friends and family the past few months, I know that I can find my own list of thanks too. Family. Friends. Careers. Food. A safe home. A beautiful home. New friends.
But, as I reflected this week about what I am truly thankful for, only one thing stood out in my mind. God. And his enduring love. What an amazing God that we serve. A God who created the Earth by the power of His words. A God who created the Earth, knowing we would sin and corrupt His beautiful, perfect creation. A God who sacrificed His only Son to pay the punishment for our corruption. And, He knew who I was. He knew how often and how far I would stumble. This, my friends, is love. This is what I am thankful for.
Romans 5:8 "But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
But, as I reflected this week about what I am truly thankful for, only one thing stood out in my mind. God. And his enduring love. What an amazing God that we serve. A God who created the Earth by the power of His words. A God who created the Earth, knowing we would sin and corrupt His beautiful, perfect creation. A God who sacrificed His only Son to pay the punishment for our corruption. And, He knew who I was. He knew how often and how far I would stumble. This, my friends, is love. This is what I am thankful for.
Romans 5:8 "But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
California! (by Leah)
I know that many of you are hoping to see pictures of the new house. But, until we are done unpacking, I thought I would share with all of you the amazing, relaxing vacation we had before the move. It was not originally our intention to travel across the country one week before we bought our new home. We already had the tickets, so it ended up just working out.
Having never been to California, I was looking forward to a few days relaxing on the beach after a few rough months this summer and fall. I got my wish. California was beautiful and RELAXING. I got to walk on the beach everyday, sit in the sun, and see some family. Oh, how good it was to see my family again. Even if I couldn't see everyone, it was wonderful to sit and talk with those that I love.
Having never been to California, I was looking forward to a few days relaxing on the beach after a few rough months this summer and fall. I got my wish. California was beautiful and RELAXING. I got to walk on the beach everyday, sit in the sun, and see some family. Oh, how good it was to see my family again. Even if I couldn't see everyone, it was wonderful to sit and talk with those that I love.
Friday, September 27, 2013
We bought a house! (by Leah)
The day has come... well, it is coming soon! We are finally getting close to MOVING DAY! Some of you may know, Rob and I are in the process of purchasing a beautiful home down here in Atlanta. It is a traditional-style 4-bedroom home with a partial unfinished basement, screened porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases and hardwood floors. It's simply beautiful.
MOVING DAY: October 19. We actually found the home on our second day in Atlanta. A week later, we made and offer and it was accepted. We have only waited so long to move because the sellers, who hadn't yet put their home on the market, requested time to look for a new home. But, now that day is finally only 3 short weeks away. We can't be more excited!
MOVING DAY: October 19. We actually found the home on our second day in Atlanta. A week later, we made and offer and it was accepted. We have only waited so long to move because the sellers, who hadn't yet put their home on the market, requested time to look for a new home. But, now that day is finally only 3 short weeks away. We can't be more excited!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Homesick without a Home (a post by Leah)
I have to admit I am struggling. Eight weeks ago we packed up all our things from the only state that I have ever called "home" to move across the country and begin our new adventure. Now the newness has worn off and an aching feeling has crept in. It's not the landscape, or even the city that I miss so much. My heart aches to see the ones I love. My family, my coworkers, my friends. Everything happened so fast that I never stopped to think how difficult it would be, once we were here.
Of course, some days, like today, are much easier than others. But, no matter the day I know that it is the Lord who has brought us here and the He is always good.
Of course, some days, like today, are much easier than others. But, no matter the day I know that it is the Lord who has brought us here and the He is always good.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Things I love...
Just a few thoughts about some things that I love...
-hearing a song on the radio and thinking of an old friend.
-when my students tell me I look like I am 20. I don't care that I am young, it is nice to know that students will always think I look young, even when I am old.
-when I can save the world by fixing a single art project.
-spending an afternoon at Rob's office, watching him work and working alongside him.
-weekly conversations with my Grandma
-eating at a restaurant outdoors. It's quiet, it's warm and it's inviting. What else do you need?
-getting a call from a dear friend and talking for hours.
-watching Rob grin when I talk about something that I excites me. It makes my day.
-when a good Bible verse comes to mind and sticks in my head all day.
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
That verse has come to mind frequently these past few weeks since we have moved to Atlanta. Although I have always known this is true, it has been wonderful to see God's provisions for us in our move. Of course, we were able to sell our home extremely quickly and I was able to get a job in the Atlanta area almost as fast. But since we have been down here, the transition has been quite seamless. We have been able to find a house that we both love, which is wonderful. But, I have also been surprised at how much I actually like Atlanta. It is such a beautiful city, with beautiful trees everywhere. And of course, the weather. Oh, I love hot weather! And so many people are so friendly. It's really a great town.
One of the best parts has been the effects to our marriage. We have been able to spend so much time together, it is like we're on vacation again. Last weekend we went to the Coke Museum and explored a historic area together. I feel like I have gotten to know Rob even more than I already do. I loved the experience of picking out a house together, too, and finding out what he wanted and liked in a home. Thankfully we both fell in love with the same home! It really is amazing.
As much as we miss everyone back home, it has been wonderful to reflect and see how God is working all things for His good. Each day, as our adventure in this new land continues, we will keep praying that His promise rings true, that He will work all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. And that, through His grace, we may walk in a manner worthy of that calling.
That verse has come to mind frequently these past few weeks since we have moved to Atlanta. Although I have always known this is true, it has been wonderful to see God's provisions for us in our move. Of course, we were able to sell our home extremely quickly and I was able to get a job in the Atlanta area almost as fast. But since we have been down here, the transition has been quite seamless. We have been able to find a house that we both love, which is wonderful. But, I have also been surprised at how much I actually like Atlanta. It is such a beautiful city, with beautiful trees everywhere. And of course, the weather. Oh, I love hot weather! And so many people are so friendly. It's really a great town.
One of the best parts has been the effects to our marriage. We have been able to spend so much time together, it is like we're on vacation again. Last weekend we went to the Coke Museum and explored a historic area together. I feel like I have gotten to know Rob even more than I already do. I loved the experience of picking out a house together, too, and finding out what he wanted and liked in a home. Thankfully we both fell in love with the same home! It really is amazing.
As much as we miss everyone back home, it has been wonderful to reflect and see how God is working all things for His good. Each day, as our adventure in this new land continues, we will keep praying that His promise rings true, that He will work all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. And that, through His grace, we may walk in a manner worthy of that calling.
Monday, July 22, 2013
The Land of Boxes
It feels as though the last 4 weeks we have lived in a land of boxes. First at our home in Indianapolis, and now here in Atlanta. Finally, we unpacked the most of the boxes this weekend. It feels like home, and that is wonderful. It is amazing how a space can feel like home simply by adding things that are familiar. Furniture, plants, lamps, decor. They all add to the look that has always been home to us. And now, even though our home in Indianapolis is someone else's, our things are making this space feel like home.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Leaving Indiana (a post by Leah)
But now, God has called us to this new adventure. One that we never really hoped for or expected. I have had a mix of emotions the past few weeks. People continually ask if we are excited. I know what they want to hear, they want to hear me say "yes". But, in truth, I can't say it that simply. I am excited for a wonderful job opportunity for Rob. For him to grow in his profession and to show the world what a capable man I know him to be. I am excited for the opportunity to become a better teacher in a new school district. I am excited because God has been very clear that this is His plan for us. But, I have a difficult time dwelling on the excitement so much of the time. It's so hard to move away from this wonderful place. It is where I met and married Rob. It is where my family is. It is where I really learned what it meant to be a teacher. It is where I came to know the Lord. And it is where there are so many people that are important to me. Family, friends and those friends who are more like family.
Last week, a few verses in Psalm 73 struck me as I read them. How true they are. And what a blessing it has been to say them as I struggle to let go of what I want, and embrace the plans that God has in store for us.
"Whom have I in Heaven but You?
And there is nothing on Earth I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
For behold, those who are far from You shall perish;
You put an end to those who are unfaithful to You.
But for me, it is good to be near God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all Your works."
So, as I rest in the Lord's strength, I choose to be excited about this new adventure!
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